Grading Policy
Grade Requirements
First Quarter
1. Marching (20%)
a. Marching Assessment
b. Execution in Drill
2. Playing Tests (15%)
3. Uniform and instrument inspection (5%)
4. Effort (20%)
a. Attitude
b. Memorization
5. Performances (40%) – Mandatory!
Second Quarter
1. Preparedness (20%)
2. Inspection (5%)
3. Performances (30%) – Mandatory!
4. Audition (25%)
5. Final (20%)
Third Quarter
1. Performances (90%)
2. Preparedness (10%)
Fourth Quarter
1. Sound and General musicianship (5%)
2. Performances (40%) – Mandatory!
3. Inspections (5%)
4. Preparedness (30%)
5. Final (10%) -
6. Sight-reading (10%)
Optional Credits: (this does not replace any previous category). You may receive make up points for a musical project, extra performance or organizational assistance. Limit one per quarter.
NOTE: Unexcused absences, tardies, and other inappropriate or disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. The evaluation plan for the Central Band is set up for the band student to be successful. If it becomes obvious that a student has lost the desire to be successful in band, appropriate measures will be taken to regain the desire. Concert/Performance attendance is mandatory. If a student is sick and misses a concert, it will be excused only if upon returning to class, the student has a signed note from parent or guardian explaining the absence.
Tardies are not acceptable- Parents will be notified after 3 tardies and school policy will start taking effect. This will include detention, ISS, make up time, work detail, etc.
Students are expected to have proper equipment at all rehearsals and performances.