Jazz Band
KMEA All-State Jazz Band
2021-22 Audition Excerpts
Link to music, tracks, and pdfs
Participation Eligibility Requirements
There are three requirements for a student to be eligible to audition for KMEA All-State Jazz Band membership:
The student must first be a performing member of their District’s 2021-22 KMEA Band, Jazz Ensemble, or Orchestra.
The student’s director must be a member of KMEA, will register each audition online, and send the Audition Invoice with appropriate payment to the KMEA All-State Ensembles Manager. These must be completed by the deadline established by KMEA.
The student must be deemed an eligible freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior in good standing in their high school.
All etudes and the scale are played without the metronome sounding. The metronome only establishes the tempo at the beginning of the etude or scale, then is turned off.
Horns (Alto Sax, Tenor Sax, Bari Sax, Trumpet, Trombone)
Full Range Chromatic Scale: Quarter Note = 120 BPM. In quarter notes play the full range chromatic scale. Slur ascending and tongue descending. Play the full and practical range for your instrument. A metronome will be sounded (8 clicks) to establish the tempo. Playing the correct tempo is part of your score.
Etude #1 & Etude #2 – Play the entire etude. A metronome will be sounded (8 clicks) to establish the tempo. Playing the correct tempo is part of your score.
Etude #3 – Play the entire etude then improvise to the chord changes. This etude and improvised section will use a backing track. 8 clicks will sound to establish the tempo.
Sight Reading – Players will be given 30 seconds to look over an excerpt in the big band style. Then they will play the short excerpt.
Optional Lead Trumpet – Perform the optional lead trumpet excerpt at the end of Etude #2.
Optional Bass Trombone – Perform the optional bass trombone excerpt at the end of Etude #2.
Rhythm (Piano, Guitar, Bass)
Etude #1 & Etude #2 – Play the entire etude. A metronome will be sounded (8 clicks) to establish the tempo. Playing the correct tempo is part of your score.
Etude #3 – Play the entire etude then improvise to the chord changes. This etude and improvised section will use a backing track. 8 clicks will sound to establish the tempo.
Sight Reading – Players will be given 30 seconds to look over an excerpt in the big band style. Then they will play the short excerpt.
Etude #1 thru Etude #4 – Play the entire etude. A metronome will be sounded (8 clicks) to establish the tempo. Playing the correct tempo is part of your score.
Sight Reading – Players will be given 30 seconds to look over an excerpt for the drum set in a big band style. Then they will play the short excerpt.